Born in 2019, RENK’ART, the small Berlin-Parisian brand, continues to attract more and more Street-Art and Fashion lovers with its jewelry, made from 100% upcycled Street materials.

After learning the street Artcheology from the « Halls of Fame » throughout Europe, such as the Berlin Wall in Mauerpark, the Canal Saint Martin and Petite Ceinture in Paris, or even in Lisbon and Brussels…

The Idea of making Jewelry from the graffiti debris: the GRAFFITITE, came up from frequenting those famous graffiti spots all across Europe, over painted and from which the accumulations of layers of paints were literally crushing down at some point.

 I found the result, the Graffitite, really amazing and inspiring to work with and upcycle.

That’s how it all started with a lot of curiosity and passion for Street Art!

(The word GRAFFITITE is inspired by the American « Fordite », material resulting from paint buildup on the old Ford’s Atelier)

From then RENK’ART has been travelling and learning a lot. Meeting and working on collabs with talented artists from 2021. Only a few unique pieces are produced and result from our four hands work.

2021 DOK U.V/TPK (Marseille)

2022 CREN (Berlin)

2023 LEK 1984 (Paris)

and more to come…


“In French, Renk’art means « Date »… it’s a date with art!”


Born and raised in France, Marion Broodthuis Gravier grew up surrounded by contemporary art, thanks to a father who was an international art dealer. She quickly gets tired of the small world of Art, too close and disconnected from people.

Thinking that art is everyone’s right, and in response, she has launched a Street Art Jewelry brand and an itinerant gallery, build an old Coca Cola cargo bike from the 90’s , so Art could come to people in BERLIN, and meet them where they are, offering great pieces at an affordable price .


The selection is now exclusively Focus on the Jewelry brand and Art collections from up cycled graffitis collected all over the world.